domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

En linea la foto panoramica más grande del mundo (hasta ahora)

Aqui tienen una fotografía de la ciudad de Praga, que hasta ahora es la más grande y detallada que jamás haya existido de un panorama, pueden acercarse o alejarse para contemplar la vista detallada que captó el sitio 360 cities con los controles en el sitio, para acceder haz click en la foto aquí mostrada. Les pego la información que muestra el sitio al respecto de la foto:

"This image is currently (as of 12/2009) the largest spherical panoramic photo in the world. It is 192,000 pixels wide and 96,000 pixels tall. That’s 18.4 billion pixels, or 18.4 gigapixels! When it’s printed, it will be 16 meters (53 feet) long at regular photographic quality (300dpi). It was shot in early October 2009 from the top of the Zizkov TV Tower in Prague, Czech Republic. A digital SLR camera and a 200mm lens were used. Hundreds of shots were shot over a few hours; these shots were then stitched together on a computer over the following few weeks."

via Wired

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